Friday, May 15, 2015

Zurich 5/15- Cabaret Voltaire, Museum Für Gestaltung

It's a rainy day, but it has been a good one! although it has been pouring on and off all day, I enjoyed today the most out of the three days we have been in Switzerland. The Museum Für Gestaltung struck me in awe, each room that we entered(containing hundreds, and even thousands of works of art) resonated with me on a different, unique level. In one the storage rooms, there were over 250,000 prints. I found the graphic print segment of the museum to be my favorite part; there were endless themes, from political graphics, to music graphics, to advertisements- with each print displaying it's own story. After touring the prints, we then entered a storage room where string puppets from the early 1900s were hanging- the atmosphere and vibrations  In this room were immediately altered in comparison to the print storage room.  All the history and dedication of hard work in that room was manifested through the string puppets and the other various works of art- the amount of history and stories behind these pieces  seemed to almost seep from the walls. It was a tad creepy, but in a good way; I could immediately feel the change in energy.
     My favorite part of the day was exploring the shops in the small alleyways near the Cabaret. Walking on the cobble stone grounds through the narrow allyways In the pouring rain was truly a remarkable experience; it felt like a whole different universe, and so did the Cabaret Voltaire! Inside the building was remarkable and extremely unexpected. The lecture about Da-Da, and the director's explanation of Da-Da's association with spiritual enlightenment was amazing. I do admit that I started to doze off towards the last half of the lecture, it was not because it wasn't  interesting - I was just very tired! I wish I could have stayed awake during the remaindered the lecture because I truly did find it remarkable. Oh well.
The second part of the "tour" in the downstairs portion of the museum was my favorite. I appreciated and admired the amount of surrealism displayed through these works of art. However,one of the most astonishing things was a picture that I took of Santiago standing in front of a painted mural in which he closely resembles one of the men.  Although it was the lighting that made the picture cast a "ghost-like" tint, it almost seems as if the picture was Santi in a previous life and that spirit created waves of orbs within the picture. 

Tomorrow we are going to visit the Swiss Alps, And I could not be more excited. More things to cross off the bucket list! 

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