It was so nice to somehwhat sleep in again, I have never appreciated getting to sleep in past 8 am more in my life than I have on this trip. Once again , I had a fantastic breakfast. I packed probably the weirdest sandwich ever known to humankind for the trip; cheese, bacon, the mini- heavenly sausage bites, cucumbers, and a little bit of mustard. It was amazing.
The train ride to Berlin was very quick, we have been traveling such long distances that any travel time under two hours goes by so quickly. Once we got to the hotel, we did not waste anytime. We immediately started making our way toward the Berlin Wall. It was about a half hour walk, but I did not mind because if was more sights for us to see! What better way to explore a town than by wondering?
Berlin is such a place of history, It was a feeling of awe to be standing at the Berlin Wall, to be standing in a place were people struggled for their freedom, a place where people died trying to escape.
We also made a stop at the holocaust memorial. I was not expecting it to be such a detailed, emotional thought provoking place. I thought it was just going to be columns with names on them. We spent about an hour in the exhibition, the most powerful part was the section in which they displayed postscards and diary entries written by the captive, It was so imcredibly powerful. We then had lunch at a nice place right across the street from the memorial, we were given tons of free drinks! I had curry wurst and a local draft beer. It was so delicious!
After a long, packed day, we decided we wanted to get a taste of the Berlin night life, so we went to the Carnival de culture. There were about a hundred different vendors of all kind. Each vendor brought it's own flare to the festival. There was live music, drum circles, lanterns made out if umbrellas, and endless beer! There was fantastic energy there, I really got a feel for how people in Berlin get down!
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