Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Useless Product Monologue- THE SCRUB

                                                       THE SCRUB
                                BECAUSE CLEAN WRITING IS GOOD WRITING.

Are you tired of that tiny speck of dirt on your pen or pencil? Does it ever get so annoying that you just can not get through your day? Through that three hour class? Through lunch? Or even get out of bed? Don't let that dirty pen or pencil drive you insane again! The Scrub is here! We, at Scrub, know the annoying pain of writing, sometimes for hours on end, with a dirty pen or pencil. Those days are over. With the new scrub, we have designed a small, portable and fun poking product that will never leave you worrying about a city pen or pencil again. Designed to fit any type and size of pen or pencil, The Scrub encapsulates your writing tool, then, with ultra bristles and a touch of life-lasting detergent, The Scrub gives a 360 degree full and fresh clean to your writing utensil. Designed with a sealed compartment underneath the product, the only thing that ever needs to be changed is the water about every 8 uses, The Scrub does the rest!! The unique design leaves the tip of the pen or pencil outside of the encapsulator, so that your writing tool is never damaged, only cleaner! Never worry about sharing pens due to acquiring unwanted dirt, or that tiny spot on your pencil that drives you so crazy that you can't even focus. NEVER AGAIN!! The Scrub is here! Because as always, CLEAN WRITING IS GOOD WRITING!

Monday, September 29, 2014

21st century technology

The iPhone is one of the most innovated and high-tech pieces of technology today. But how did this piece of electronically advanced technology come to be? We must look back on the original in-home telephone. The basic idea of being able to communicate with one another without sending a letter was most likely the initial idea behind the creation of cell phones in general. However, going in depth to the attributes of the iPhone, which include a camera, games, and internet all reveal the influence of photography, gaming, and computers on the current iPhone we know today. That past technology incorporated into the iPhone reveals the assumed basic need or want of an average consumer. one wants to be able to have a "computer like object" at the tip of their fingers. WHile being able to take pictures, play games, and share this information to one another through texts, calls, or emails, communication at the palm of a person's hand is made possible. None of this would be possible, however, if computers and photography had not been previously established.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Angel de Quinta's "Stage Door"

  I very much enjoyed this blog. I like how Angel reached out to different types of audiences by sharing various types of "summertime"  sung by different artists in different genres. The videos start  out with old-school opera,  working its' way up to more contemporary opera, leading  to classic Janis Joplin, and then a version with a singing man and guitar; this suggests that Angel either has a very broad taste in various types of music, or he just wants to reach out to different types of audiences in hopes that they may find that all types of music can be connected in one way or the other.

Birth and Life of Opera

Although I am not a big fan of Opera, I did find it interesting when the narrator talked about how the origin of Opera came to be.  By combining music, theatre , and poetry and specific lighting, the birth of Opera set the stage for most future types of media today. In addition, the marriage of Henry the fourth that sparked the second opera still relates to the general idea today that fame and "royalty" can act as inspiration for many mediums of media.
         Opera, like any other type of media, tries to evoke any type of emotion from the viewer. However, in comparison to other types of mediums,  Opera  may holds the most power ( depending on who you ask) in evoking emotion from viewers because of the fact that opera combines many different elements, each one being able to provoke a different emotion in different ways.

Monday, September 8, 2014

The World of Wrestling

Although I am not a wrestling fan, and I found this article rather boring- I did enjoy the comparisons of wrestling to that of greek theatre. When the author compares the moves of the wrestler to be exaggerated much like that of greek theatre, I thought it depicted each practice very well. In addition, I thought the article was written very well with great detail as it painted a detailed picture in my head of the actions depicted in the article.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Raul Cuero talks about ways to spark and ignite creativity in his interview. Ways to apply these concepts to my everyday life would be:

  • travel as much as possible- the more I see, the more my brain has to work with.
  • Raul said "creativity is based on innovation", thus, I  should do things that would not be expected of me. When people expect you to behave a certain way, you are limited.
  • Be more innovative in my every day life by analyzing processes and seeing if there are new ways to do things.
  • to constantly perceive and observe things in new ways
  • be committed to a process without "fear".
  • be more intense in my creative process and goal reaching.
  • practice whatever interests me. " Learn by doing"